Who We Are

Established in 1990. Our mission is to actively proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching, teaching, and discipleship. Reaching the lost and proclaiming the great commission of salvation in Jeus Christ, being born again according to Acts 2:38.

We are a beacon of Truth, hope and help to our community. We strive to make a difference in our world by showing a better way.

Jesus The Way, The Truth, The Life.

What We Believe

There Is One God

Deut. 6:4

Only One God - Exodus 20:1-3This One God is a Spirit - John 4:24This One God, a Spirit, templed, & was in flesh - 2 Cor 5:19, 1 Tim 3:16, John 1:14To reconcile us to Himself - 2 Cor 5:19Through His death on Calvary - John 1:29, Heb 2:14, Heb 9:11-14
The New Testament church started in Jerusalem
Luke 24:45-48, Acts 1:4-8, Acts 2:1-4, Acts 2:14-36, Acts 2:37, 38, 39
The Plan of Salvation is Acts 2:38!
Repentance - Matthew 3:2, Matthew 4:17, 2 Peter 3:9Water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin - Romans 6:3-4, Galatians 3:27, Acts 4:8-12, 1 Peter 3:18Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost - Matthew 3:11, Luke 24:48, Acts 1:4-5, Romans 8:9The Acts 2:38 Plan of Salvation was used in: Jerusalem - Acts 2:38Samaria - Acts 8:12-16Caesarea - Acts 10:44-48Ephesus - Acts 19:1-5 And is the application of the Blood of Jesus Christ, which He shed on Calvary -Hebrews 9:22, Acts 10:43, Galatians 3:27
A New Testament Christian Lives a Changed Life -
Romans 12:2, Galatians 2:20, 2 Cor 6:14-18, Romans 8:2-13
We shall be changed and caught up into heaven to ever live with the Eternal God, Jesus! -
Acts 1:10-11, 1 Cor 15:50-53, 1 Thess 4:13-18, Rev 21:1-7